Custom Software Development for Fintech

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Lightci works alongside clients to develop and deliver customized fintech software. We maintain dedicated in-house teams in addition to being capable of sourcing out-of-house talent to deliver your projects and ensure you deliver financial software that your clients appreciate.

Beyond being software specialists, we also protect financial transactions taking place on your new platforms through the implementation of appropriate protections and the integration of modern compliance standards. Impactful solutions are what our fintech software developers endeavor to create.

Work with us - the next generation of financial services awaits.

What Do Fintech Software Development Companies Do?

In short, fintech software developers help businesses like yours create digital solutions for a rapidly evolving financial world. You may think of us as the bridge between the services you deliver today and those your customers require both now and in the future. Fintech allows you to connect with customers in an increasingly digital and mobile-adept world, ensuring you're not left behind by financial services companies that are rapidly modernizing their offerings.

Specifically, a fintech software development company handles every aspect of the solution creation process. This process typically starts with collaborating as the company works alongside your team to determine your clients' needs and the type of solution that best suits these needs. From there, your developers create the software, run quality assurance testing, and help to maintain and upgrade the software once you take it to market.

We are also capable of supplementing existing fintech software development teams through IT staff augmentation. If your team has a skills gap or is otherwise struggling with capabilities, such as a lack of labor, we help you find the right people to bring your products to your clients.

Our Fintech Software Development Services

Fintech software development is a large umbrella under which an array of services tailored to an increasingly digitized financial industry fall. Explore the custom services our fintech software develops provide.

Payment Solutions

Make your payment solutions more efficient, user-friendly, and secure with payment solutions designed to suit your client and their end users. With payment solutions, we empower your business to confront the logistical challenges that exist when handling cashless transactions taken via credit cards and contactless mobile payment options.

A payment solution handles the data processing that goes on behind the scenes of each transaction, including ensuring relevant fees are processed and modern data processing laws are met. You can also receive back-office support through a payment solution. For instance, your solution may link to your internal accounting software to create financial data flows that benefit your bookkeeping and financial staff.

Payment solutions can be restricted to point-of-service – such as software designed for portable credit card readers – or enable you to gain global market access through a customized payment solution implemented on an ecommerce website. Enable online and in-store payments. Trust Lightci to help your customers pay with confidence no matter how or where they pay.

Digital Banking Solutions

Financial technology has evolved to the point where many banking clients prefer to conduct the majority of their business from the comfort of their own homes. In the U.S., 78% of people prefer to bank using a website or mobile app. Only 29% say that they still prefer the in-house banking experience.

Our digital banking solutions exist to bridge the disconnect between your bank and a customer base that wants online banking services. These services extend from mobile app development for banking deliverable to your clients via the Google Play or Apple App Store to customized web-based banking applications. We also develop open banking solutions to power your transformation into the neobanking solution your clients require.

Beyond creating web-based applications, our fintech developers can also integrate multiple payment systems into your banking solution. FPS, SWIFT, SEPA, BACS, and even crypto-related payment systems are all possible with the right team in your corner. We also help you integrate verification processes into your online banking solution to enhance customer confidence and ensure accounts are kept safe and secure.

Digital Wallets

Digital wallets are software solutions that empower users to make payments using a digital device of their choosing. Examples include Apple Pay and Google Pay. In both cases, the solution is installed on a device, with appropriate payment details incorporated, to allow the user to make cashless purchases in stores or online.

There are challenges to digital wallet creation, not all of which focus solely on software functionality. Data protection is a primary concern. As the provider of such a wallet, your company has to ensure all data collected from clients is stored and protected appropriately. Failures in these areas lead to compliance violations and open the door for data breaches. Either can shatter consumer confidence in an otherwise perfectly functional digital wallet.

So, you see that merely providing a piece of software isn't enough. We also ensure that software abides by current data protection and contactless payment regulations so your digital wallet software inspires the level of confidence required for your customers to trust it when making transactions.

Investment Platforms and Management

There are few in the financial services industry who are as concerned with compliance and ensuring they have access to fast and efficient software as those working in the investment sector. Speed is of the essence. Software that lags or otherwise threatens to underperform is quickly abandoned in investment sectors that require high-speed solutions, such as day trading.

Your customers need customized investment management solutions. We provide those solutions by streamlining your existing processes into customized platforms and management software designed to provide investors with everything they need to optimize their strategies.

The precise nature of these platforms varies widely based on the investor's need. In some cases, detailed asset management software is required to enable the investor to track their investments, income, and the tax implications associated with those investments. For others, real-time performance tracking enabling rapid trading is a necessity. Analytics and reporting are also vital in these apps. We provide all of these solutions both individually or integrated into tailored investment management platforms that empower you and your clients to make the right decisions at the right times.

Blockchain Technology

With the rise of cryptocurrency came a greater need to understand the blockchain and the potential impact it has on traditional banking software. Blockchain solutions should promote transparency across an entire decentralized financial ecosystem, especially when that ecosystem involves the trading of cryptocurrencies, tokens, and similar assets, such as NFTs.

Think of the blockchain as a digital ledger, one to which all have access yet is often so complex that many are wary of exploring alternative payment methods because they don't have access to software that empowers them to better understand and leverage blockchain technology. That's where you, with the help of our financial software developers, can help.

With us, you can go beyond cryptocurrencies to create blockchain solutions in several areas. Imagine an entire marketplace built using blockchain technology. Or automation of smart contracts empowered by a transparent blockchain that ensures all involved in the contract have an unclouded perception of a transaction. All of this is possible with the Lightci fintech application development company.

Wealth Management Tools

Often closely tied to investment software, wealth management tools exist in many guides. They include seemingly simple budgeting tools that enable everyday families to track expenses and uncover the financial processes they need to follow to save more money while reducing their outgoings. More complex solutions – such as peer-to-peer lending platforms and trading platforms – facilitate capital transfers for everybody from investors to people trying to get a financial foothold in life.

We develop all of these examples, and many more, via our full-cycle development services. We can develop personal finance apps that allow your clients to view their financial records via smartphones and tablet devices. For working with high-net-worth individuals, we deliver software incorporating big data analytics and artificial intelligence to help clients with risk management and proper investing.

If it involves your, or your clients' money, we provide a suite of tailored wealth management tools.

General Ledger Development

Your business needs a general ledger for storing information about financial transactions relevant to the company. Manual ledgers will no longer do. They're cumbersome and often force your accounting and bookkeeping team to work through reams of spreadsheets, costing the business time and money.

General ledger development sees our team work closely with you to create a ledger that integrates with your current systems and automates much of the work that slows your team down. Multi-entity accounting and access to real-time balances are both possible with this service, allowing you to see the state of multiple businesses simultaneously.

We can also build customized asset management systems, in addition to developing fintech solutions that reconcile your general ledger with the rest of your company's financial reporting.


The industry leaders in the insurance sector are increasingly turning toward insurtech to create scalable web platforms and streamline their back-office functionalities. Innovation is the key here. With a customized insurtech solution, you can incorporate a host of technologies into your digitized systems.

These technologies include big data analytics and the blockchain, the latter being particularly important for modern insurance companies jumping onto the crypto wave. Artificial intelligence and machine learning can also be incorporated into your new fintech software. Both introduce automation capable of streamlining operations and, in some cases, even creating personalized insurance products for customers based on the data you've collected.

Insurtech also lies at the heart of the new concept of peer-to-peer insurance. Empower your clients to pool their resources together to provide independent insurance to one another and retake control over the claims management process with the help of our fintech development company.


Similar to insurtech, proptech is fintech designed for a single industry. This technology has the potential to transform the way you conduct real estate transactions in several ways. Investors can use proptech to manage their portfolios and streamline their property management systems. You can also use this technology to gain greater insight into local markets, empowering you to make property purchases that align with your investment strategy.

Optimization is the key to this technology. It often leverages machine learning and AI to quickly scan and report back on trends in the industry. You may also link PropTech solutions to other fintech software, such as general ledger and accounting software, to determine the impact your investment decisions will have on your business long term.

Point of Sale Solutions

Convenience is the top priority for 60% of shoppers when choosing a retailer from which to buy. Now that we're in the digital age, convenience does not come from forcing a customer to pay via cash. Many people don't carry cash anymore. They prefer to make payments via bank cards or contactless payment apps.

Your business needs to prepare for this new way of processing transactions. We develop point-of-sale solutions for multiple industries, including retail and hospitality, that are omnichannel and capable of integrating with your other fintech solutions.

Tap-to-pay functionality is often key to these solutions. We enable that functionality for your company so that transactions take seconds, rather than minutes, to complete.

Trading and Exchanges

Innovative solutions are required for those working in trading and stock exchanges to keep or exceed the pace of their competition. We deliver tailored trading platforms offering the stability and scalability required to ensure you complete transactions in seconds and don't have to worry about your software as you gain more clients.

Security measures are key to trading and exchanges fintech software development. Beyond product functionality, we assist clients in developing acts that meet current SEC and other regulations, ensuring compliance at every stage of the product build.

We also develop many kinds of bespoke trading and exchange platforms. Breathe new life into traditional trading systems using big data and artificial intelligence. Manage crypto assets and empower clients to trade quickly with a cryptocurrency trading platform. Your new software could even automatically execute trading strategies on your and your clients' behalf if needed. All of this is possible when you work with Lightci to develop a trading and exchange solution.

Why Choose the Lightci Fintech Software Development Company?

You now understand what a fintech solution potentially looks like for your business. Your challenge now is simple:

Finding a fintech software developer capable of delivering the tailored solution your business needs.

Lightci is that fintech developer for an array of reasons.

A Long-Term Financial Software Development Partner

We don't offer fintech software development services as a "one-and-done" process. Lightci aims to become a long-term partner to your business or financial institution, empowering you by unlocking the capabilities of emerging technologies so you always stay several steps ahead of your competition.

We aim to be nothing less than a top-tier product studio working on your behalf. You receive access to experts with experience in tailoring fintech solutions to clients across multiple verticals, all of whom we can call upon when you have a new idea for a software solution. Lightci is also a talent recruitment agency. With our help, you can augment in-house IT staff to maintain your fintech solutions all while we work with you as a partner on software development projects.

Exceptional Financial Data Management

Data management is not just a key challenge you must confront when developing fintech. It's a challenge facing all financial institutions simply because even a small institution receives untold volumes of data annually. We develop fintech solutions with one eye clearly pointed toward your data management needs, ensuring your business doesn't have to worry about data-related problems.

For instance, did you know that over half of financial institution leaders point to data silos as the singular obstacle that prevents them from innovating within their space? Our solutions confront the siloing issue. Each isolated data store in your business can be integrated into your fintech solution to ensure a streamlined flow of data. Fewer mistakes, greater analysis capabilities, and more accurate financial forecasting all result from confronting the silo issue.

Beyond accounting for siloed datastores, we implement profiling, standardization, and validation methods to introduce consistency into the data you collect. All can be integrated into your legacy systems. Create a clearer and more cohesive flow of data through your business with Lightci's custom software development for fintech.

Software Solutions that Meet Current Regulatory Compliance

Compliance matters in fintech. As somebody working in the financial industry, you understand this better than most. Compliance with current regulations ensures you maintain your customers' collective trust. It also maintains operational stability within your business and ensures you don't run afoul of regulatory issues that can lead to fines and, in the worst cases, the stripping of licenses.

Lightci incorporates regulatory compliance from the initial planning stages for your fintech software solution. Your bespoke software will always include measures to store and transport sensitive information correctly, with those measures being demonstrable to industry regulators. Such regulators include the FDIC, FRB, NCUA, and OCC, all of whom are accounted for in the solutions we deliver.

There is another reason why compliance is so crucial to our work. With increased digitization comes a greater risk to customer data from hackers and similar malicious entities. By ensuring technical compliance across the board with your fintech software, we also protect the data you collect and your institution's reputation from the risks these entities present.

Fintech Solutions Built By Talented Software Engineers

You need a fintech solution that actually works, rather than one that promises the world and fails to deliver. You get that solution with Lightci. We work with talented software engineers who can assist financial institutions with their software needs and have proven track records of delivering solutions that work from the ground up.

We demonstrate this commitment to building powerful fintech solutions with our client-centric approach to developing software. You're directly involved in every stage of our development process. Accountability is also critical to the Lightci team, meaning we never make a promise we don't believe we can deliver.

Our recruiting talents should also be mentioned here. In addition to offering fintech software solutions, we also augment IT teams with high-quality staff. Lightci understands that finding great talent is tough. But we also understand what it takes to find that talent and employ our augmentation recruitment strategies to ensure you have only the most dedicated and versatile software engineers working on your new fintech solution.

In-Depth Quality Assurance

Efficient, free of defects, and capable of meeting your and your clients' needs. These are the three "golden standards" we follow in our quality assurance (QA) process to ensure you receive fintech software that provides all of your required capabilities.

Don't underestimate the importance of a rigid QA process. All fintech software must undergo rigorous testing to ensure it works as expected at all stages. Bugs must be caught. Inefficiencies, be they in coding or the user interface, must be streamlined to ensure your software runs as quickly as possible. That's especially important for trading and exchange software, which is likely to process hundreds or thousands of transactions per day all while delivering accurate data in real-time.

Lightci integrates QA testing into every stage of our fintech software development process. There is no deferring to the quality control stage. Our goal with every project is to catch emerging issues early so they can be mitigated rather than grow to the point where they have detrimental impacts on your solutions later on.

Technical Onboarding

A fintech software solution is often only as effective as the people using that solution. Proper training is the key. For people to become capable of using your new fintech software, they must receive training on its features and capabilities.

Training that Lightci provides. Once our software development team has completed work on your software and you have signed off, we work alongside your business to create a technical onboarding plan designed to increase staff proficiency in the new software. This plan typically includes tutorials and knowledge bases. It can also include in-person training conducted by us or selected members of your team who receive direct training from our developers.

Through technical onboarding, we demonstrate how to correctly connect to and utilize your new solution. Your people advance from the foundational concept to greater proficiency to ensure you get the absolute most out of your new solution.

Expertise Across Multiple Financial Institutions

As you can see from our services list, Lightci is capable of developing a wide range of technical fintech solutions covering many financial verticals. We are cross-industry leaders. You'll never have to worry about technical implementation issues because our software developers have such extensive experience that they have typically worked on projects within your industry before.

This expertise extends to our understanding of compliance issues and the specific challenges you face within your sector of the financial industry. Fintech startups often have different requirements from companies that already have integrated fintech solutions. Our approach to your project changes based on these variables.

Versatility lies at the core of both our offering and the project management processes we put in place. When we say you receive a tailored fintech solution, we truly mean it. Every step of our development process is shaped around you, your institution, and the technical solution you need to develop.

Seamless Integration into Current Systems

Legacy systems rarely simply "go away" when a company implements a new fintech software. The banking sector offers a great example of this. Even when shifting to digital banking platforms, a bank must ensure its core banking operations go undisrupted. This can't happen when a fintech solution replaces front-end software to such an extent that current systems are rendered useless.

Proper integration is required to ensure a smooth transition to your new solution. This integration may be direct, meaning your new software is capable of communicating with your legacy software to ensure proper data flow while easing the internal transition. In more extreme cases, the legacy software is replaced entirely, with integration coming from porting data into your fintech solution to ensure nothing is lost in the transition.

Our development team works directly with your project managers to determine how best to integrate your legacy systems with your new software. We create a plan and execute - minimizing the impact on your financial operations as you switch to using your new software.

An Extensive and Proven Track Record

You could take our collective word for it when we say that we offer fintech developers proficient in practically every sector of the financial industry. Or you could take the word of our previous and current clients. Lightci has worked with some of the major brands in the financial industry to provide both staff augmentation and direct development of software solutions.

Our people have proven instrumental skills in product builds for companies including Google, Brex, and Coinbase. The latter highlights what we can achieve for your firm by pointing out that finding the balance between high-quality and productive software engineers is a key challenge in the fintech industry.

Lightci achieves that balance. Our people deliver the level of expertise required to deliver frontend, backend, and AI or natural language processing-based solutions. We also deliver those solutions at scale and speed. Our track record demonstrates that we are lightyears ahead when it comes to delivering solutions efficiently while building within whichever technology stack makes the most sense for your product.

Our Three-Step Custom Fintech Software Development Process

Fintech software development is often complex, as any company that has attempted to create and deliver a new product to the market can confirm. That may lead you to believe that working with Lightci is as complex as the software you intend to create. Nothing could be further from the truth - we implement a simple three-step process that underpins all custom fintech software development projects.

01. Define Requirements

Your requirements are our priority during the first stage of our process. We hold regular meetings with you and your team, allowing us to build the context behind your needs, preferences, and the business goals you aim to achieve with your fintech software.

With this context, we solidify. A plan is created that covers every aspect of the product build so you understand what we're going to do and why. Features, timelines, costs, and the check-in cadence for the entire project are also determined during this step.

02. Build to Spec

With the project specification completed and signed off, our in-house team focuses on the important work of building your fintech solution.

You don't have to worry about a thing at this stage. Our team executes and manages the entire build. Regular check-ins, as determined by the cadence solidified in step one, keep you updated on our progress and enable tweaks to be made to the original plan. We work to deliver a result that aligns with your requirements and has undergone full QA and testing.

03. Deliver and Maintain

Upon finishing your product, we develop a maintenance and updating plan with you. That plan ensures your software continues to work as expected, driven by the maintenance conducted by the very engineers who delivered the software.

Updating is a slightly more fluid process. Standard updates are implemented to account for changes in operating systems and alterations in the services you wish to provide to your clients. We can also work with you to update software to ensure compliance with new regulations, upon request. Through it all, we provide continued product support to ensure your fintech package performs at its best.

Discover Lightci Financial Software Development Services Today

It's time to see your fintech software magically come to life. Get in touch with the Lightci team today to book a demo and get a taste of how we operate. The demo is risk-free and comes with no obligation, with our team being ready to start working with you today.

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